Recommended Stock Xerox Elite Silk 100lb. cover or comparable.
File Specifications Size: 11" x 17", no bleeds, bi fold in. Please note that the art is designed at 100% to fit 11" x 17" sheet. Please do not scale.
Instructions* 1. Open the file in Acrobat. Go to File > Page Setup. Choose Page Attributes from the Settings menu. Select your printer's name from the Format for menu. Choose Paper Size Tabloid 11” by 17”, Orientation horizontal, Scale 100% and press OK.
2. Go to File > Print. Choose your printer's name from the Printer menu. Select Standard Presets. Under Copies & Pages choose the number of copies, check All option. Subset: All Pages in Range. Print What: Document. In Page Scaling area please choose NONE, check Auto-rotate and Center box.
3. The brochure is designed to be printed double sided. If your printer does not support double-sided printing, please print one side, reload and print the second side.
*Please note that settings may vary for different printers. Please make sure to read your printer's manual before printing.
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