Suggested Links

There is growing scientific literature which suggests that hospital design can impact clinical outcomes. These studies confirm that the conventional design of hospitals contributes to stress and danger. Design of the healthcare’s physical environment strongly impacts hospital acquired infection rates by both airborne and contact transmission routes. Hospital construction and renovation activities are a major source of airborne infection outbreaks due to dust and particle generation.

Improved physical settings are integral in making hospitals safer and better places to work. Evidence based design refers to a process for creating healthcare infrastructure, informed by the best evidence, with the goal of improving outcomes and of continuing to monitor the success of the decision making process. The focus of EBD is to create hospitals that actually help patients recover faster and assist healthcare workers do their jobs better and safer.

Why go modular?

Modularity is a key factor to consider in healthcare design today. The ability to modify a workstation achieves ergonomic advantages, offers the ability to upgrade clinical storage components, and achieves optimal work flow as well as providing esthetic options that won’t restrict your creativity. Most importantly, modular workstations create an adaptable work space which increases uptime and reduces downtime. As healthcare continues to evolve, so does the importance of modularity within the work environment.

Unicell is proud to suggest the following links for your interest and research. They provide invaluable insight into current healthcare construction & design trends and their effects on the health and safety of patients and healthcare workers. (Haworth Office Furniture)  (Centre for Health Design) (US Green Building Council) (Canada Green Building Council) (InformeDesign) (Hospitals for a Healthy Environment) (Healthy Building Network) (Healthcare Without Harm) (Green Guide for Healthcare)

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